We offer year-round youth programming in San Francisco, including:
After School Program, Summer Camps, and Saturday Sessions.
Scroll down to learn more about each program!

EduSkate is a youth outreach and after school program that is fiscally sponsored by Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Our mission is to utilize the creativity and unifying power of skateboarding to develop and facilitate meaningful and transformative experiences for children and youth.
EduSkate After School Program at the SF Skate Club Hub provides homework support, arts enrichment, and mentoring for middle and high school students, Monday through Friday,
from 2 - 6:30pm.
Community Outreach is done in partnership with schools and youth serving organizations to make skateboarding safe and accessible for children and youth from underserved communities.


Summer Skate Camp
Heaven on earth for the young thrasher and eager beginner. The San Francisco Skate Club has offered 17 years of summer skateboarding fun. We are offering 4 sessions that will run 2 weeks where we continue to share the art of skateboarding with youth ages 8 - 14. Please join us for small group instruction (6 youth to 2 adults and 1-2 teen instructors) from 10 am - 3 pm Mon - Fri at various SF parks and explore safe skate locations just a short walk (or push) away from our shop and Headquarters located in the Western Addition. Seating is limited so act now.
June 9 - June 20
(no camp on June 19)
Session 1
Session 3
July 7 - July 18
Session 2
June 23 - July 3
(no camp on July 4)
Session 4
July 21 - Aug 1

Saturday Program
* Visit and skate different parks and locations every Saturday for four Saturdays
* Receive small group lessons from a certified SFSC instructor
* Make friends with other skateboarders your age
* Receive a downloadable clip of yourself and others skateboarding during the outing
When? 10am - 3pm, every other Saturday - Each Session has 2 dates, A and B.
Where? Various parks and safe skate spots in SF. We meet at the San Francisco Skate Club Hub at 635A Divisadero St. (between Grove and Hayes St.) and leave from there to a skate park. We return to the Hub at 2:45 pm for other skateboarding related activities and to go over the day’s accomplishments.
Who? All kids must be 8-14 years old and registered with San Francisco Skate Club. Fees must be paid, Skate park Release/Waiver/Assumption of Risk Form signed, and Contact and Medical Information Form completed and on file at the San Francisco Skate Club Hub 635A Divisadero St, S.F., CA 94117 at least one week before the start of a selected session.
Cost includes daily transportation to and from skate parks, lessons from a SFSC certified instructor, healthy snacks and water, and prizes.
Winter A
JAN 11 - FEB 22
$ prorated
Winter B
JAN 18 - MAR 1
$ prorated
Spring A
(4 classes)
Spring B
(4 classes)
Spring A
(4 classes)